Do you want to achieve Massive Savings in Line Rental and Call Charges?
Do you want to Mobilise your Phone System, so that your team can have their phone extension working from anywhere on any device?
Why not Upgrade to our 3CX VOIP Phone System.
Remote Set up of the System is from €260 ex Vat, this is the initial setup of your Phone System Platform, with Voicemail and Digital Receptionist, Porting your Main Number, Setup of your team’s extensions, Mobile Apps, Softphones.
On-Site Installation is from €260 ex Vat depending on the amount of phone sets require, VOIP Phone Sets are from €70 ex Vat and we have even some IP phones costing less than this.
Yes, VOIP Line Rental is just €4 per Month per Line, so if you need 2 x Outside Lines, Line rental is just €8 ex Vat per month.
The System is Cloud Hosted and Monthly Standing Charge is €20 ex Vat.
Monthly Charge for System with 2 Lines and Cloud Hosting is €28 ex Vat per Month.
Monthly Charge for System with 3 Lines and Cloud Hosting is €32 ex Vat per Month.
Monthly Charge for System with 4 Lines and Cloud Hosting is €36 ex Vat per Month.
Please contact us and we will email you our latest call charges.
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